Illustrated by Kevin Collier, Authored by Holly Smalley

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8" x 10" (20.32 x 25.4 cm) 
Full Color Bleed on White paper
34 pages
Lighthouse Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-1935079125 
ISBN-10: 1935079123 
BISAC: Religion / Christian Ministry / Children

If rocks could speak, what would they tell us? What could rocks from Bible times let us know about the things they saw and heard — from creation to the time of Jesus? Jesus said that if His disciples kept quiet, the rocks would cry out instead. Yes, rocks could take our place and praise God; but God made us to praise Him, and we can do an even better job. A beautifully illustrated book that enhances the words set in poetry, showing what might happen if all people — men, women, boys and girls — stopped praising God, and the rocks did indeed take our place. Holly Smalley tells the rocks’ stories, and Kevin Collier shows us what they saw. A book to treasure and remember forever.