The story of “The Mystery of the Hidden Bridge” is a short allegory of how people can get to Heaven and will hold the attention of young children (and probably some adults). There are four main characters - three young, great athletes and a wise old man who is ignored by most, but not all. The salvation message from the Bible becomes clear near the end. The story may raise questions, but many answers are revealed in the form of footnotes along the way and the content of the later chapters. There is also an innovative option posed to parents about how to read the story in order to enhance child interest. It is a great tool to use and pass on to others when children grow older. It’s a nice gift idea to those with children as well. Kids will begin to understand who Jesus is and why He is the Door to eternal life. The story ends with “The Big Question.”Author Dave Scheer is a retired school teacher who fell in love with Jesus Christ in 1970 and has spoken to many people of all ages about the greatness of God in interesting ways peppered with a bit of humor at times. His website and complete bio can be found at
by Nickolas Farmakis » July 1st, 15:02
[Following is an official review of "The Mystery of the Hidden Bridge" by David W. Scheer.]
The Mystery of the Hidden Bridge by David W. Scheer is a children’s book on the importance of faith in Jesus Christ.
The writer discusses many themes, such as humility, faith, death, and society. The tone of the text is informal, direct, and simple, creating a personal atmosphere, thereby engaging the reader.
The author begins the novel by describing three excellent swimmers, Eddie Evil, Lenny Luke, and Ricky Wright. Eddie Evil was a mean, proud person, while Lenny Luke and Ricky Wright were humbler and fairer. The three swimmers arrange a competition to determine who is the fastest swimmer. They agree that the swimmer who crosses the Atlantic Ocean first is the best swimmer and the news channels come to record the competition. Suddenly, an old man appears and speaks about an invisible bridge. Who is the invisible bridge? Who will win the competition?
There were several positive characteristics in the story. More analytically, the writer included numerous poetic devices and linguistic techniques, which engaged the reader in the story. Additionally, the book was professionally edited, as I did not encounter any errors in the entire novel. The story also followed a logical, chronological flow, thus allowing the reader to understand the development of the novel. What I liked most in the novel was that it contained beautiful illustrations, which added vividness and liveliness to the text.
This book is best suited for Christian young readers and parents who enjoy stories related to sports. This book is ideal for parents reading to young children to teach them many valuable Christian principles. Christian readers will enjoy this story the most, as it is written from a Christian perspective with Biblical verses.
All in all, I rate this book with 4 out of 4 stars. I handed this book a perfect score, as it was vivid, engaging, and
excellently edited. I recommend this book to every reader that finds it interesting.